Weirdo Canyon Dispatch 2021 – Issue #2 Now Available
Have we all recovered yet from yesterday and the feast that bestowed us with Roadburn Redux? Highlights for me were Doctors of Space, like two mad scientists going on a sonic trip, Gold who played an incredible and touching set, the proggy psych of Polymoon as they weaved their way through Caterpillars Of Creation, and who can forget Jo Quail, the sounds that erupt out of her cello are astounding.
As the new dawn breaks and we prepare ourselves for another media onslaught (PJ’s optional), what better way to start your Saturday than browsing through Issue #2 of the Weirdo Canyon Dispatch. You’ll find interviews with Steve Von Till and Ethan McCarthy of Primitive Man & Many Blessings, along with an exclusive photo from Paul Verhagen as he was one of the chosen few who’ve been able to attend the 013 to capture these magickal moments.
And don’t forget all past issues of Weirdo Canyon Dispatch are archived over on
Stay tuned as Issue #3 will be out tomorrow.