Review: The Freqs ‘Poachers’ EP
Formed in 2019, pre-global pandemics, and hailing from Salem in Massachusetts, The Freqs have, in the last four years, smashed out four incredible EPs. Three are already available, and they are now rolling out the fourth imminently, this one is entitled Poachers, and it is absolute fire. Now, when I say ‘fire’, I don’t mean ‘really good’, or ‘pretty special’, what I mean is it is absolutely ‘on fire’.
It’s music that demands a required volume at no less than 11. It’s crushingly powerful, at times pretty visceral, and while at others, it’s simply electric. Across the six tracks, they leave no doubt as to exactly what the mission is, it’s seek and destroy, leave no prisoners, only a trail of destruction in their wake…
If you are unaware of the band, then now’s the time to jump on board for the ride, as it’s actually more of a rollercoaster than a breakneck cruise up a highway.
The trio, Seth Crowell, Ian Mandly, and Zack Fierman, take their spin on fuzzy hard rock, add in a sprinkle of zest, and kick it back out via your speakers, a sound which, even though not entirely new, is a refreshing spin, made to party with. If Clutch and Red Fang float your metaphoric boat, then The Freqs are the band you need to jump on, right now. They carry that same heavy, good times vibe, which hopefully, will see them rise through the ranks relatively quickly.
That being said, when they need to turn down the fun times, and bring the moody, they do it in swathes, with a style and swagger that sees them schmoozing with the big boys, and then some.
Right from the opener, Poacher Gets The Tusk, the band hit the ground running, literally. The track, which was recently premiered on this very webzine, gives an instant hit at what the band are capable of. Upon its entry, there’s an instant old school rock vibe about it all. You can feel those Red Fang vibes rolling down your back, as the fuzzy, hard, up tempo track blisters its way through the sound system. Unless you are willing to set the volume gauge to maximum, then I doubt you will get the full experience, and what’s life if you aren’t living it to the maximum anyway?!?
Upon seeing the track title Powertrippin’ I did find myself wondering if this was going to be a cover of the old The Almighty track that bares the same title, but it wasn’t to be. Not that it pales in comparison, as The Freqs Powertrippin’ is exactly what it says on the tin. It’s an absolute, ahem, power trip in breakneck rock and roll, with such gusto that if it doesn’t get you moving, then you may well be dead.
It reminds me somewhat of another band I reviewed a while back, Wenches, not overly in sound, but definitely in vibe. Let me assure you, if these two bands ever shared a stage it would be absolute carnage. The track is full of energy, bass-y like The Truckfighters can be, with a throbbing feel good vibe, which would definitely get the party going, no matter what setting.
Asphalt Rivers shows another side to the band, and this slower, darker track starts out unlike anything we’ve heard up to this point. Fluctuating between moodier passages, interspersed with fuzzy dirty guitars, and ferocious pounding percussion, it mixes things up, that’s for sure.
A personal favourite on the EP for me is Sludge Rats. Not only is it a cracking name, but I feel that this is the track that encapsulates who the band are in one defining moment. A little Sabbath-y at times, with a nod to Ozzy specifically, its as heavy as it is scuzzy. The joy can be heard through its five and a half minutes, and this is one of the bands most important strengths.
Chase Fire, Caught Smoke solidifies that Red Fang resemblance, and those chunky chugging grooves are devastating, then EP closer Witch, leaves the best for last, and its here where the real payoff is. On this track especially, the guitar work is pretty much feral, there’s some chanted crowd-pleasing parts, and it’s just a super cool way to end the EP.
With an urgency to match its quirkiness, this really does bring forth how important it’s going to be to keep on top of these guys. The Freqs are that damned good, and to ignore them now, especially after I’ve spent a whole review telling you how frikkin’ awesome they are, would only be your loss completely.
Don’t sit on this, go out, spend some time, and maybe some money too, and acquaint yourself with The Fregs, a band who are, hopefully, destined to be monumental.
Label: Independent
Band Links: Facebook | Bandcamp | Instagram
Scribed by: Lee Beamish