Stone Axe / Stubb / Trippy Wicked – UK & Euro Tour Kicks Off Next Month
Tony Reed and his band of merry men simply known as STONE AXE hit the road in the UK and Europe next month, dragging along with them, the UK’s very own STUBB and TRIPPY WICKED, the confirmed dates, which also takes in this year’s DesertFest in London, are as follows:
April 5th: Scruffy Murphys – Birmingham, England w/ Cultura Tres, Alunah & Banda De La Muerte
April 6th: Desertfest – London, England
April 7th: The Old Hairdressers – Glasgow, Scotland with Low Sonic Drift
April 8th: TBA
April 9th: The Star and Garter – Manchester, England
April 10th: The Rambler – Eindhoven, Netherlands
April 11th: Immerhin – Wurzburg, Germany
April 12th: AJZ – Bielefeld, Germany with DAIKAIJU
April 13th: Oetinger Villa – Darmstadt, Germany
April 14th: The Vortex – Siegen, Germany
A date still needs to be filled in the UK for Sunday 8th April and if you think you can help, don’t hesitate to contact Chris of Trippy Wicked/Stubb.