Heavy Days In Doomtown III: First Bands Now Announced For 2014

Heavy Days In Doomtown III

Copenhagen’s inaugural Heavy Days In Doomtown Fest have started announcing bands that will be playing next year’s festival and so far it’s already shaping up to be one heavy and hazy weekend.

Bands so far confirmed are Windhand, Baby Woodrose, Abysmal Grief, Switchblade, Yuri Gagarin, Dopelord, Doublestone, Vidunder, Whitehorse and finally Goatess!

Heavy Days In Doomtown takes place between the 2nd – 4th May 2014 at Ungdomshuset, Dortheavej 61, 2450 Copenhagen NV while a warm-up show will take place on Thursday 1st May 2014, (venue TBC).

Ticket sales will start January 1st 2014 at 12pm and are limited – especially for the warm up show, so be sure to secure your ticket early on!
