Burning World To Release BLACK MAGICIAN Full Length CD In September 2012
Burning World Records is proud to present the latest addition to their rooster: BLACK MAGICIAN. The band will release their debut CD ‘Nature Is The Devil’s Church‘ with us in September 2012. Vinyl duties will be handled by Shaman Recordings and if you missed Paul’s recent live review that appeared on this very site a few days ago from their gig in Liverpool (which you can read in full here), the quote below sums up what to expect and Jurgen from Burning World also commented “We could not have put it better ourselves and that’s not just because we are not native speakers!”
“Driven by swirling organ and monumental carved-from-granite guitar, with able rhythmic support and throaty vocals, this is pure doom metal with nary a trace of the stoner rock or hardcore sludge that can be found in the sound of so many of their contemporaries and may be best summed up by my friend and living legend Doomlord as ‘like Atomic Rooster playing early Cathedral’. If that doesn’t make you all a-slaver with anticipation for their album or a live date in your town then there is just no pleasing you.” – Paul Roberston
More info on the release as and when Burning World have it.