XII Boar ‘Split Tongue, Cloven Hoof’ CDEP/Digital 2012
You’ve all heard the theory that if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters and an infinite amount of time they will eventually write the works of Shakespeare? Well, similarly, if you give three retards from Aldershot some drums and guitars they’ll form a band called XII Boar…and that’s far more effective than waiting round for a bunch of monkeys to get their arses in gear!!!
In a relatively short space of time, XII Boar have made a real name for themselves, not least due to their unshakeable work ethic that will see them playing at the opening of an envelope if the opportunity arises. That said the hard work would mean diddly if these guys couldn’t back it up musically…and they do by the truckload. The core of the XII Boar sound is hi energy, balls out, blues based stoner metal but they’re not afraid to throw in the odd touch of old school metal, thrash and sludge for good measure.
Opening track “Smokin’ Bones” opens with a frantic drum fill before exploding with a killer riff and Tommy’s gruff vocals before charging through changes aplenty that take in thrash and a mellow breakdown before it’s heads down to the finish. You can almost smell the enthusiasm and sheer joy these guys have when playing this stuff. That enthusiasm couple with their uncanny knack of writing a killer tune is the basis of the success of this whole EP.
It’s maybe no coincidence that “Hellspeed Viper” sounds like the kind of title you’d get from an 80’s Bay Area band as the track kicks off with a lightning fast riff and some tasty double bass drumming from David Wilbraham that’s a million miles from the work he does in his “proper” band Witchsorrow. The guy sounds like an animal unleashed here with sheer energy. As might be expected from the first track, XII Boar once again take us on a rollercoaster journey through thrash, doom and stoner including some heroic axe histrionics from lead retard Tommy Hardrocks (not actually his real name!!!)
“Slamhound” is a tight little can of whupass that throws down the rock gauntlet right from the first note and through its brief sub three minute duration manages to kick you in the face and stomp on your stricken body with some mighty grooves and is possibly the finest track out of the four presented here.
By comparison, final track “Triclops” is something of an epic as it rides in on a monstrous tribal drum figure and chugging guitar before hitting a monolithic groove not unlike Down at their finest. Tommy is in fine voice here and the change of pace suits him, allowing him the space to work with a melody and the melodic breakdown sees him turning in some very tasteful chops on the guitar.
Only four tracks but there are enough riffs and changes of pace here to make up a whole album!!! XII Boar are a killer live band and on this EP they have succeeded in capturing the excitement of their live shows on record, which is no mean feat as far bigger bands have been trying to do that for years. XII Boar are a truly exciting band and it’s no surprise that their ascent within the UK underground scene has been so quick. With the prospect of a full length album coming soon this rise shows no sign of slowing down any time soon.
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Label: Self Released
Website: www.xiiboar.com
Scribed by: Ollie Stygall