Review: Dizygote ‘Fathoms’ EP
Way down south where the humidity and temperature remain the same 98 fahrenheit all year round and dinosaurs still walk the earth, another monster roams the town of Cape Coral, Florida by the name of Dizygote. This epic father and son duo is conquering the scene one thunderous riff at a time.
I spent 14 years of my life in Cape Coma…sorry Cape Coral before moving north to NC. In those 14 years I had the opportunity to see POD and Trapt live 4,356 times. They were the only bands to tour Cape Coral. It was depressing times. Dizygote is bringing back great music to a town desperately in need, I’m only sad it’s happening after we moved. Dizygote delivered their EP Fathoms through none other than Desert Records on August 6th, 2021.
This may be the shortest release I’ve reviewed, or even listened to, in a long time. Clocking in at around eleven minutes, Dizygote shows us their punk influences in time alone. Poison Garden is more of a metal track and has a vocal melody reminiscent of early Black Sabbath days. After the second verse, the duo extend into an instrumental outro packed with riffs by Ned and thundering drums from Ethan. A surprising opener since I was assuming more of a punk style.
Track two is titled Drowning and continues the metal path of Poison Garden. I especially like the gritty guitar tone to open the song, very awesome. The band mentions writing this EP in dark times through the pandemic and the lyrics depict times of near-death experiences. Dark times can generate emotional music and Dizygote deliver on this song.
This epic father and son duo is conquering the scene one thunderous riff at a time…
Stimulate Me starts showing off the old school punk I was looking for. At least in the vocals, I hear clear influences from the early punk greats. The music follows suit but maintains the metal tone as well. Sort of reminds me of the b side of Black Flag’s My War with increased tempo.
We only have twenty-seven seconds left on the EP. Is that enough for a song? I wasn’t sure because most of what I’ve been listening to of late is twelve minutes at LEAST. Dizygote says we got this and puts out a killer fast-paced conclusion. I think it has to be twenty-seven seconds because Ethan is killing it on the drums and is probably exhausted. Ned is keeping up with his riffs and growling vocals. I like songs to build for a closer but I’m now rethinking that with this short but perfect ending.
If I was still living in the humidity capital of the world, I would have dealt with the heat to see these two play. That’s saying a lot because I wouldn’t go outside for anything when I lived in Cape Coral. The good news is they’re going on a short tour as far north as Ohio this October. Bring your hoodies guys!
Label: Desert Records
Band Links: Official | Facebook | Bandcamp | Twitter | Instagram
Scribed by: Josh Schneider