Weirdo Canyon Dispatch – Roadburn 2017 Daily Fanzine Sunday Issue Now Available!
Live from Weirdo Canyon in Tilburg – Sunday, which is the 4th and final issue of Weirdo Canyon Dispatch, the Roadburn Festival daily fanzine is out now!
Featuring a review from yesterday’s festivities by our man on the ground José Carlos Santos, the third and final part of Kim Kelly‘s interview with John Dyer Baizley, a last look at albums of the year so far, Guido Segers reflects on that Roadburn Feeling, 2018 Wish Lists from the WCD team, a final farewell by Walter & Bekcy, plus exclusive photos from Paul Verhagen and Niels Vinck along with a live illustration of Lotus by Kim Holm.
Grab your copy now from the O13 venue or download it from the Roadburn website.