MARK DEUTROM: Third Solo Album By Ex-Melvins Guitarist Released; New Track Playing At The Obelisk
Brief Sensuality and Western Violence, the captivating and organically thunderous third solo venture from ex-Melvins/Clown Alley guitarist MARK DEUTROM, is now available for public mass consumption this week.
The nearly hour-long Brief Sensuality and Western Violence voyages through both ominous and peaceful territories though a variety of vocal approaches and instrumentation, bleeding together into nearly an hour of guitarist, composer, songwriter, singer and producer MARK DEUTROM’s most organic and unreserved material to date. delivered it perfectly in a rave review of the album this week, stating: “Brief Sensuality and Western Violence explores music and the space between the notes, setting a specific mood and travelling through the vast expanse of storytelling through music. There are moments that feel like the soundtrack to Kerouak’s ‘On the Road’… Deutrom ventures briefly into elements of psychedelia, jazz, rock and blues but never lingers on one particular genre for too long. Occasionally, he utilizes complex time signatures to great advantage intentionally keeping you off-balance and somewhat unsettled.”
To aid in the proclamation of Brief Sensuality and Western Violence’s arrival, today the cult riffologists at The Obelisk are streaming the album’s freaky, jazzed-out lounge act number, “A Shaky Rabbit,” noting that the track “most coalesces the demon jazz and creeping intricacy that Deutrom has on offer. Like several of the other pieces, it’s split in half, but there’s a cohesion in theme and a steadiness of atmosphere that speaks to Deutrom‘s mastery of the form.”
Tune in/zone out to “A Shaky Rabbit” with The Obelisk RIGHT HERE.
Decibel Magazine previously unchained the album’s “Sky Full Of Witches” track, calling it “a sublime slab of smoldering, cinematic fuzz-groove,” so check that one out RIGHT HERE.
Brief Sensuality and Western Violence is now available digitally through CD Baby, Bandcamp and iTunes, with a deluxe limited vinyl pressing to follow in early 2014.
Source: Earsplit PR