Heavy Days In Doomtown III; Date Announced As 1st – 4th May 2014!
So here’s the announcement you all have been waiting for… The night where your favorite DIY doom/sludge/stoner fest announces the dates for the 3rd edition! Heavy Days In Doomtown will happen again in 2014 and the dates will be 1st – 4th May!
A warm-up show will take place on Thursday May 1st (Location to be announced later on). Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th May will be at Ungdomshuset, Dortheavej 61, 2450 Copenhagen NV. Bands and artists will be announced from December 1st and every day throughout all of December. Presale will start January 1st at 12pm. Tickets are limited – especially for the warm up show, so be sure to secure your ticket early on.
They have started the organizing and booking process, so therefore we’d like to invite bands and artists that would like to perform/exhibit at HDDT 2014 to send us a request via email (NOT through Facebook please).
Artists can write to us at heavydaysdoomtown.art (a) gmail.com. Please enclose a short description of your work, a link to a website or blog where your art is displayed and/or your ideas for projects at HDDT 2014.
Bands can send requests to heavydaysdoomtown.booking (a) gmail.com. When you send your request and a way to listen to your music, the preferred method is a link to streaming music online. A bandcamp link works best. They prefer not to receive MP3s sent directly or as download links. No Myspace. They will do our best to give all bands a listen and that may take a while. If you don´t hear back from them it means that they aren´t interested. They would like to give all bands a personal reply, but unfortunately they receive too many requests to keep up with all of them.
The artwork for HDDT 2014 is once again done by the amazing 13th Sign Collective from Berlin! As some of the bright minds out there might have noticed, last years theme was water. For HDDT III, 2014 will be the year of fire and the artwork has been inspired by old myths and stories which are connected with the fire theme and the mighty sun. The fire theme will be the second of the “four elements of the world” which are to be presented over the course of the next years. They hope you enjoy the work of these great ladies as much as they do! Check out their work HERE.
Keep your eyes peeled for band announcements/news updates on their website and Facebook page and the organisers are looking forward to seeing all of you again in 2014!