Ufomammut / Atavist / Raucous – Manchester 24/04/06
The Attic, Manchester 24/04/06
A new venue for Lee and me tonight, a small compact place called The Attic, which is situated in the arch of an old railway bridge. Local boys Raucous start tonight’s proceedings with their fine mix of earth shatteringly heaviness and dirtier faster sections. The guitars work well together incorporating some nice effects and fills. The vocals are a manic screamed attack, suiting the music nicely. A good gig by this lot tonight and I’m looking forward to playing with them up in Barrow soon. We heard Atavist start up from outside and quickly headed back in. I could not help thinking what the people queuing for buses outside must of thought about the distorted rumble and screaming coming from The Attic! Ah well city life…
This is the first time I’ve seen these guys since their last minute appearance at the Unearthly Trance gig (another Future Noise belter!). Playing the two shorter tracks off their latest CD nasty, heavy, despondent are a few ways you could describe the feel and sound of their set. Rumbling low end sound, harsh vocals and good solid drumming. A great show by all, it was in fact the drummers first gig with the band, he previously hit the skins for As The Tide Consumes…
I did not really know what to expect from Ufomammut and was surprised and delighted to be blown away by this crazed Italian three piece. Their set was a cool mix of trippy effect laden sections and ass kicking solid riffs. They also had some nicely fucked up projections playing throughout their set courtesy of the Malleus Rock Art Lab which ranged from a kaleidoscope of eyes to silhouettes of fine female forms dancing. Ufomammut are a cool band live and knock out a hell of a sound for a three piece. The bass player also takes care of all the effects which gives the band a feel of their own. One of the best live performances I’ve seen for a long time, The rest of the crowd seemed to enjoy it, the band even had to do two encores before they could come off the stage!
Scribed by: Mark Burns
Photos by: Lee Edwards