Review: REZN ‘Solace’
What!?! Did I read that correctly? ‘The first half of a two part series!’. REZN never disappoints and I thought I was excited about a new album but knowing more is coming soon, take my money now!
March 8th 2023 REZN released Solace to the world increasing their already perfect discography. From the first echoing notes of Relax off 2017s Let It Burn, to the final dark reverb of Webbed Roots off this very album, every note is capable of sweeping you away from reality into a musical trance. Solace holds that same power, so let’s escape the stresses of our daily lives and enjoy this sonic masterpiece.
The warm reverb washes over you in the instrumental opener Allured By Fevered Visions and transports you to the fantasy mountain landscape depicted on the cover. The ominous undertones are present but distant, much like the mountains, while the lead guitar breaks through the dark clouds, shining a light and path beyond. REZN create beautiful and dark arrangements like no other and the introduction to this album leaves chills in its wake.
Possession is immediately recognizable as REZN by Spencer Ouellette’s sweeping synth followed by a killer riff by one of my all-time favorite bassists Phil Cangelosi. It’s the first to feature Rob McWilliams classic ethereal vocals with a very catchy melody. Dynamics are a strong point in REZN’s music as Possession ebbs and flows between calm and chaos building to a strong conclusion.
REZN control the dynamics of their songs but also consider the album as a whole. Building up to strong center with heavy distorted riffs on the tracks Reversal and Stasis showing the heavy side of these four insanely talented musicians. Patrick Dunn controls the changes with his effortless drumming while Ouellette fills in the space with wild spacey sounds that complement the music in a wild way. There is something new to hear with every listen, depending on where you choose to focus, as this music never gets boring or stale, I am however missing the saxophone.
There is something new to hear with every listen… this music never gets boring or stale…
REZN bring the listeners back into a trance like state with the soothing intro of Faded And Fleeting. About a minute in and the soulful sounds of the saxophone is heard and the remainder of the track is a beautifully soothing experience and almost makes me want to explore the world of jazz… almost.
Seamlessly transitioning into Webbed Roots, REZN conclude this album the Marvel way. The closing track features a cleaned arpeggiated intro with a quick crescendo before segueing into an explosive power that fades into feedback. It concludes three minutes in, but don’t leave yet, there are after credit scenes.
The music kicks back in and I feel this is a preview of what’s to come. Spoken word reminiscent of Lord Of The Rings are backed by Dunn’s fine drum work. A mix of acoustic and electric guitar fill out the sound, then the fuzz kicks in with a nasty lead and a unique twist of an already unique band unfolds. If this truly is a precursor for what’s to come, then part two needs to be released soon.
A short second end credit scene concludes the track and album with those dark reverb notes mentioned before. I know I’ve had a lot to say about this album even though I was left speechless after listening to Solace as REZN never ceases to amaze me.
Label: Independent
Band Links: Official | Facebook | Bandcamp | Twitter | Instagram
Scribed by: Josh Schneider