Review: Putrid Yell ‘Consuming Aberration’
‘The only two certainties in life are death and taxes’ famously said by Benjamin Franklin, well folks let me tell you! Benjie Franklin (Benjie to his mates) is a big fat fucking liar! Because there are three certainties in life! Death, Taxes and killer extreme music from the world’s leading producer of copper, Chile! With monstrous releases from Innana, Phantasmagore, Trastorned, Soulrot and Ripper, to name a handful that have come out in the last few years alone, today I have another one for you, in the sickening form of the new album Consuming Aberration by Putrid Yell that releases tomorrow, April 14th, via Singapore’s Pulverised Records.

Channelling that raging chainsaw sound from the early ‘90s Swe-Death scene and combining that with the savagery of the ‘80s blackened death movement from South America referred to as ‘Cogumelo’, Purtid Yell have created thirty-eight minutes of retching death that will wet the tongue of any fan of the extreme. There’s something about how the raw and abrasive guitars from Swe-Death worship sounds, super aggressive like its sole purpose is to break out of your speakers and grab you by the throat, this five-piece absolutely nails it with murderous glee.
Talking of tone, on here is utterly glorious, Damien Herring at Subterranean Watchtower Studio (Horrendous, Suffering Hour, Blood Incantation, Rope Sect, etc) has absolutely killed it, everything sounds hella clear but perfectly cold, caustic and crusty. I especially dig the vocal production which is sat right at the front, totally obnoxious in the best way. Will Aggressor spews out a ravenous performance that is the absolute highlight of the whole record for me, it sounds utterly inhumane. It’s like the winged creature at the front has come to life ready to stove in the head of anything in its path. Massive shout out as well to Putrid Matt (Coffins, Bones, Hooded Menace etc) for the insane artwork, and I’ll be picking this up on physical for sure.
it’ll have you tearing up your living room and pissing off your neighbours within about three seconds of it kicking off…
The drums are callous with punk laden aggression that is impossible not to be infected by, it’ll have you tearing up your living room and pissing off your neighbours within about three seconds of it kicking off. This thick backline with driving bass really ramps up the frosty self-declared reptilian atmosphere of Consuming Aberration which I think is a perfect description.
I don’t know what’s in the water over there in Chile, Wikipedia reliably tells me cherries and cranberry are a large proportion of the country’s exports, whatever it is, let’s hope it never ends as this foray of killer music being spewed out of the country is making this fat ugly old Brit a very happy man. If you hadn’t guessed, I think this is fucking ace and you will too. Go buy Putrid Yell Consuming Aberration and join me in having your throat ripped out!
Label: Pulverised Records
Band Links: Facebook | Bandcamp
Scribed by: Matt Alexander