Review: Contrition ‘Pariahs’ EP

From one of my favourite labels, the Indianapolis, Indiana based Disorder Recordings comes Pariahs, the brand new EP from Contrition. After three long years of radio silence, we have at long last brand new material from the Chicago quartet, who are comprised of Jerome Marshall (Yakuza, Cobalt for live performances) on vocals, Jeff Wilson (Chrome Waves, Deeper Graves, Altars of the Moon, ex-Nachtmystium, ex-Doomsday and Disorder Recordings head honcho) on guitars/synths, Jon Woodring (Bones, ex-Usurper) on bass and Garry Naples (Trouble, Novembers Doom, Wolvhammer, Chrome Waves) on drums. The cream of the underground crop if you will.

Contrition 'Pariahs' EP Artwork
Contrition ‘Pariahs’ EP Artwork

The EP is the follow-up to the band’s 2021 full-length Broken Mortal Coil which I described at the time as an ‘electrifying listen’. Listening back to said album, my opinion hasn’t altered, in fact as a fan of Jeff Wilson‘s work I can honestly say that he’s one of those people whose work, at the very least makes, me sit up and take notice, especially the band’s stunning take on Nirvana’s Tourettes which has to be heard to be believed.

Andre Trindade’s artwork leaves you in no doubt that this is a ‘metal’ album, albeit of the extreme variety and despite various delays which prevented the band from bringing us another full-length album, nonetheless Wilson promises us in the promotional notes three songs which are ‘abrasive’ and ‘downright nasty’. Sounds good to me.

Not Today recalls the tempo and riffing of Slayer’s classic Raining Blood as well as the proto-death metal of Possessed and the sloppy charms of Morbid Visions and Bestial Devastation era Sepultura. I might not necessarily be the biggest metal fan in the world but the sheer exuberance and ferocity with which the track is performed is an absolute delight and joy to behold. Welcome back lads, you were missed.

sheer exuberance and ferocity…

Incognizant which is defined by the Oxford Languages website as ‘lacking knowledge and awareness’, is far more orientated towards death metal than its predecessor. Slow grinding riffing, this is akin to classic late ‘80s and early ‘90s Florida Scott Burns produced outfits as Morbid Angel, right down to the Pete ‘the feet’ Sandoval style drumming from Naples.

Despite the track’s overall sludgy pace, it still takes the time to dip into blistering grindcore ala Terrorizer and Repulsion with a good dose of punky verve and panache along the way. This is a track that should have old school death metal fans positively salivating with anticipation as well as demonstrating that age is but a number when you still have the will to kick ass, are ya listening Metallica? Probably not.

Trauma Queen, (which sees Acid Bath and Goatwhore guitar legend Sammy Duet contributing a face melting solo), has both a hardcore vibe as well as actually not being too dissimilar in spots to the type of blackened death metal performed by the aforementioned Goatwhore and I’m also once again reminded of early Sepultura, not that I’m complaining. It needs to be stated that whilst all the performances on here are excellent, extra props should be extended to Naples for his tight, precise and lethal drumming. Yet another belting track with which to help draw the EP to an absolutely exhilarating conclusion.

Admittedly, I was unashamedly bias in my assessment of the EP, indeed, it’s my hope that a sophomore full-length is on the cards from Contrition, as based on this ‘taster’ set, we would be in for a treat. Disorder Recordings have always pretty much hit the mark for me whether that be in the post-punk, goth-rock or extreme metal realms and Pariahs is yet further proof of this. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Label: Disorder Recordings
Band Links: Facebook | Bandcamp | Spotify | Instagram

Scribed by: Reza Mills