STUBB: Exquisite Rock Odyssey ‘Cry Of The Ocean’ Out Now Via Ripple Music
London, England’s heavy psychedelic trio STUBB has this month released their exquisitely intricate sophomore album, Cry Of The Ocean, via Ripple Music.
The power trios of the late ’60s and early ’70s are the blueprint for STUBB’s loud, hard-driving, fuzzed-up heavy blues rock. The band recorded their first full length album for UK label Superhot Records, and hit the road, gigging with such heavy rock luminaries as the Gentlemans Pistols, Firebird, Cherry Choke, Steak, Sungrazer and The Machine as well as appearing at Desertfest to a packed house. Making the trip over to Europe twice with Stone Axe from the USA further cemented STUBB‘s reputation as a solid live act with some serious chops. Quickly, their debut album sold out and fans of heavy rock have been waiting eagerly for their sophomore effort. Now, Ripple Music is proud to deliver Cry Of The Ocean, a blissed-out new album that will cement STUBB’s reputation amongst the higher hierarchy of heavy rock bands.
Jack Dickinson – Guitar and vocals
Tom Fyfe – Drums
Peter Holland – Bass
Cry Of The Ocean is out now via Ripple Music with the vinyl available to purchase direct from the label HERE and the CD HERE, while digital downloads are available from Bandcamp and you can also stream the entire album below:
Source: Southern Cross PR