SAINT VITUS: UK Tour Kicks Off In Less Than 3 Weeks; Tickets Still Available
Doom Legends SAINT VITUS will be hitting the UK in less than 3 weeks in support of their new album ‘Lillie F-65’ which is out now on Seasons Of Mist, if you missed Saul’s review of this monstrous album, you can read it HERE and below is the full tour schedule…
June 11th: The Underworld, London
June 12th: Academy 3, Manchester
June 13th: The Fleece, Bristol
Support on all dates comes from Acid King, SardoniS and the UK’s very own Slabdragger who are also just about to release their new Split LP with Meadows via Head Of Crom.
Tickets are still available priced £16 (London) or £15 (Manchester/Bristol) and can be purchased from