Buried Inside / Lazarus Blackstar/ Atakku / Agent Of The Morai – Manchester 05/12/05
Satans Hollow, Manchester 05/12/05
This is only the second time I’ve been to this strangely laid out venue, it must be really weird for the musicians playing on such a stage. We arrived to the huge and dirty rumble, which turned out to be Agent of the Morai. First time I’d ever heard of this three piece who knocked out slow and nasty sludge doom with the odd burst of tempo. The vocalist topped things off nicely with a manic screamed style. Very powerfully and competent. Onto Atakku who I believe are from London. A bit to fast and manic for me to enjoy their whole set although they went down well and played every note as if their lives depended on it, showing totally dedication and commitment.
Next up tonight are the mighty Lazarus Blackstar. I was blown away by these a few weeks earlier on the ASBO tour and was in no way disappointed this time round, even though they were sadly without their regular bass player Bri Doom, who was replaced for this tour by Mark (Murder One/Medulla Noctre). Huge crushing sludge doom on offer here, beautifully complement by the crazed vocal of Paul Catten. Really solid and confidant set with Mr. Catten throwing himself around and screaming into the mic like a deranged beast!
Apart from one track on a sampler CD I’d not heard tonight’s Canadian headliners Buried Inside but they wasted no time in blowing me away with there downtuned madness. Cant comment on any song titles but the whole set was excellent with the band going mental with the delivery. I could not put these down as sounding like anybody as there were all sorts of influences going on. The cool use of sequencers added greatly to the over all sound. Like a say they blew me away and I’ll definitely be tracking a copy of their CD down.
Scribed by: Mark Burns
Photos by: Lee Edwards