Cult Of Occult: An Interview With The Elusive Doom Act
Cult of Occult came staggering out of the murky sewers of Lyon, France earlier in 2012 with a vast and ear-frying self-titled debut record via Hammerheart Records. Covering everything from death-doom, drone and even stoner rock in their quest to flatten and obliterate all within their path, “uncompromising” simply doesn’t cover their punishing sound. Little is known about these new kids on the sludge-town block, so Shaman scribe Pete Green was sent out with a notepad, a head-torch and a rusty axe to try to delve deeper into the Cult…
Hi Guys! Great to talk to you and thanks for taking the time; a pleasure to have you back on The Sleeping Shaman.
We all hail The Shaman
Your absolutely crushing debut album came out earlier this year and seems to have had some great reactions across the metal world. How does it feel looking back at the record? Did it turn out the way you wanted?
This record was the beginning of the cult, all objectives are reached, let’s grow the cult even further.
For those who haven’t heard experienced the Cult thus far, can you tell us a bit about the history of the band? What is your mission and what have been your biggest moments so far?
No history, no mission. We plug in our amps, drink beers and play as loud as possible.
Are there specific themes that the self-titled record looks to communicate throughout its destructive and harrowing five tracks? Or is each song a different entity from the other four?
Our message is clear; hate us ’cause we hate you. We hate everything, so let’s share some hatred together.
Is Cult of Occult just a creepy band name, or does it go deeper than that for any of its members? Do any of you belong to any cults?
Every fucking person belongs to a fucking cult. We have our way of thoughts, get yours.
It’s been pretty difficult to get any information on you guys to write about! Is this secretive nature part of the band’s image or do you just not like the limelight very much?
We are worthless, music doesn’t need us.
Nowadays, bands like Ghost are managing to become well established without revealing too much about themselves as people. Is Cult of Occult aiming to be a force in a similar manner rather than a straightforward band of musicians?
You’ll never hear much about us as Cult of Occult members.
‘Walking in the Desert’ from the new record, for me at least, has a really striking and unique desert-rock-meets-filthy-black-sludge approach. Can you tell me a bit more about that track and what you were trying to do with it?
The jam, booze and possession of the moment made it sounds like it sounds now. That was what we were in need of at this particular time.
Hailing from Lyon, on the Eastern side of France, have you found that your surroundings and culture have influenced your music?
Only Satan can have an influence on our music.
Which bands would you say have influenced you most, as a collective, since the band began?
Sourvein, Cough, Eyehategod, Electric Wizard and Weedeater are great bands and we thank them for that.
If you could choose just one, Sleep or Kyuss, who would you pick and why?
Sleep. Dopesmoker. Nothing further to add.
Apart from Gojira and perhaps Monarch, the French music world is a largely unknown quantity to your average heavy metal fan from outside the scene. Could you please recommend and briefly talk about any other awesome heavy bands that you know of and/or play with live?
Huata and Carne are two bands we would recommend.
Vince Neilstein from recently wrote and posted a very interesting and controversial debate on the site which revolved around the notion that all modern metal singers are inadequate growlers who are no longer required if the genre is to move forward. I thought it was a very interesting and radical point-of-view; what’s your take on this idea? Agree or disagree?
Metal (doom and sludge in particular) has nothing to do with endless debate and what is good for it or what could be trendy. Do what you want and give your best, That is how we see things.
Does anyone in the band have any musical ventures outside of Cult of Occult? Feel free to plug any of your other projects!
Who cares?
What are your plans for the future? Any new releases or tours on the horizon?
Some shows and tours are evolving in a good way. Our next album HIC EST DOMUS DIABOLI is ready and you’ll hear some fresh and insane sounds really really soon. Stay tuned.
Merci beaucoup Cult of Occult! Thanks a lot for taking the time to talk to us today and best of luck moving forward with the album and as a band. Is there anything you want to add?
Hail The Sleeping Shaman. Hate us.
Keep up to date with Cult Of Occult at and you can also read Pete’s review of their Self Titled album HERE.
Interviewed by: Pete Green